We are a group of individuals with a special interest in the disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) also known under the ill-suited name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). In 2018 Francis Martin and Evelien van den Brink founded the project from a desire to improve the situation of ME patients in Europe, by focusing on addressing the lack of funding for biomedical scientific research on ME in the European Union (EU).
In 2019 Evelien submitted petition 0204/2019 to the European Parliament. The aim of the petition is to raise awareness of the disease and ask the EU to fund biomedical research that will lead to a diagnostic test, clinical trials and treatments for ME.
The members of our advocacy group are working very hard, on a voluntary basis, to make headway. Not just for the approximately 2 million patients in the EU, but by extension 15-30 million patients worldwide. We try to develop efficient strategies and different actions to involve the patient community and unleash our collective power. The grassroots organization #MEAction is supporting our efforts by publishing articles but we are an independent group. EMEC is an officially registered foundation in the Netherlands. We are either patients or carers, with a profound wish to make progress in a positive and constructive way.
Our team members are Francis Martin, Evelien Van Den Brink, Alice, Michiel, Joachim, Giada and Dorothée.
Stichting European ME Coalition KVK 82810281
The European ME Coalition is proud to be a member of the World ME Alliance.