
An overview of all EMEC documents can be found here:

Evelien’s response to the European Commission 30-08-2019.

The European Commission responded to the petition by Evelien Van Den Brink on 30 August 2019. In her reply, Evelien writes that she appreciates that the European Commission recognises the importance of ME/CFS research but that “unless the Commission introduces specific measures to ensure funding of biomedical research into ME that properly reflects the disease burden, then the current underfunding will continue.”

Parliamentary question on ME research by Pascal Arimont

On 2 September 2019 Belgian Member of the European Parliament Pascal Arimont submitted a formal parliamentary question that asked whether the European Commission provides funding for research into ME/CFS. The Commission responded on 28 October 2019, referring to research projects such as GutMagnific™, GLORIA, and RTCure. Evelien Van Den Brink wrote a comment to the Commission’s answer, explaining that several of these projects cannot be seen as specific ME/CFS research and that more ambitious biomedical research projects are needed.

Research requirements

Evelien Van Den Brink has written a document that outlines requirements for biomedical ME research. The document highlights the importance of calls specifically focused on ME, a review panel that consists of informed scientists with
knowledge of the biological basis of ME and the development of Centers of Excellence. The use of the Canadian – or International Consensus Criteria and the inclusion of activity-matched controls are advised.

Evelien’s answer to the Commission’s respone to the questions raised by Jordi Cañas (28/08/2020)

On 18 August, Commissioner Mariya Gabriel responded to questions raised by Member of Parliament Jordi Cañas regarding the recent ME/CFS resolution. Unfortunately, the answer, provided on behalf of the European Commission, does not acknowledge the underfunding of ME/CFS research in Europe nor does it propose new initiatives to address this urgent problem. Evelien Van Den Brink has written a response.

Response by the European Commission on the ME/CFS resolution

Below is an official reply by the European Commission regarding resolution (2020/2580(RSP) on additional funding for biomedical research on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. It was received by the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions (PETI).